Time is Valuable
Time can be your friend and time can be your enemy. What you do with your time will determine what returns and results you get. If you want big returns, you must invest your time wisely in worthwhile activities and events. Today you will receive the top ten ways how to invest your time wisely for big results.Time Defined
The measured or measurable period during which an action, process or condition exists or continues: duration. Merriam-Webster. From beginning to end while you read this Hub measures up to the amount of time it takes you to get through.You want different results in your life; then do something different. You want more joy, more satisfaction, better health, and greater fulfillment? Then come along with me.
The following list of ways to invest your time will work for anyone at anytime or stage of life:
Health. Improve and maintain your health. I put health first, because you cannot do the others if you are in poor health. I was totally shocked when I heard a recording artist say that she had had three heart attacks before she was age thirty-seven. She also admitted that she did not follow-thru on her health issues. She spent more time doing and accomplishing than taking care of herself. Today, she has lost a lot of weight; she looks and feels better.
Hobby. If you think you do not have time for a hobby, think again. Get you an interest outside of work. You will feel so good that you have something to do other than responsibilities. Hobbies are like therapy – they add joy to your life. You need fun and laughter in your life. Hobbies renew and refresh you.
Volunteer/Give. There are many worthy needs and causes. Just to name a few: Hungry Children; Educational needs; Organ needs; Cancer needs, and more. You can volunteer by helping with telethons, raising money, and sending letters. Give. To give, is a special time investment, let me explain. Give of yourself; your presence; your ear; your heart and your attention. People are waiting for someone to listen. People are waiting to connect with your spirit. Try giving these: your smile; your heart; your warm embrace; your mercy and your compassion.
Reducing Debt. This is an interesting one. Spend your time maintaining and keeping your debt at bay. Contact creditors to get better interest rates. Enroll in insurance plans; better car insurance; better food plans and better entertainment plans. Spend your time researching and understanding plans to make sure you are getting the best deals.
Self Development. This is one of my favorite time investment strategies. Read and learn about your personality. Find out what makes you tick. Take online personality and assessment quizzes. Learn how much fun it is being you. Learn to be yourself to the maximum.
Mentor/Protégé. Spend time learning from someone with wisdom and give some time to someone who needs you to help him or her achieve his or her goals. A mentor can teach you many things and increase your success level. You should also be a Mentor someone. Someone needs your experience and expertise to make it where you are.
Working. We work to make a profit. We work to eat and live. Everyone has a work to do. The better you know what you are capable of, the better work you can choose. Some people work a job. Some people are business owners. Some people are entrepreneurs. Choose the work that will bring the greatest income and satisfaction to you and your family.
Computer. The computer is invaluable today. Practically every industry uses the computer. Take a class to learn Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc… Also learn the Internet and how to research information on the Internet. Technology is a must do investment.
Meditation. One of the most valuable time investments is meditation. Getting in a quiet place with no hindrances, and allowing your mind and spirit to be renewed is invaluable. We all must pull ourselves away from the hustle and bustle of life. Take some time away from your job, family and friends to reflect on peaceful thoughts. Meditating can calm your fears and ease your pain. When you are quiet, God can speak to you and whisper words of wisdom and delight in you. Now who wouldn’t want that! Take time from your day as often as you can, and meditate.
Reading. Reading is the key to opportunity. Read so that you can take control of your future. You can self-teach yourself many skills by simply reading. Manuals, instructions, directions, applications……all are gateways to new information. The world is filled with content everywhere you go. Read informational, inspirational, and instructional materials. Read funny, entertaining and hilarious content. And make sure you read the most important book: the Bible; it will change your life!
Well, I hope that the investment of your time to read this hub returns to you in an abundance of knowledge, hope, joy and peace! Read more of my Hubs for big returns and results.
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