Sunday, April 22, 2012

Having a Hard Time At Work? Maybe You Are in the Wrong Job

Having a Hard Time At Work? Maybe You Are in the Wrong Job

Do college students value money over enjoyment in their first job?
When 'hard day at work' is mentioned in conversation, many different things come to mind. Some people think a hard job is intense physical labor, while to others, sitting at a desk crunching numbers is a living nightmare. Career analysts like to say that a hard job is one that gives you no personal satisfaction. So how can you know if it's your job you hate and not just work in general? Well, according to, most of these apply to your life:
  • Your never excited to go to work.
  • You don't feel like you have the 'special' talent for the position.
  • You only stay because you don't want to look for another.
  • You feel burnt out.
  • You hate it when people ask what you do.
For more proof you hate your job, take the scientific formula of job satisfaction created by two economists. The economists came up with four factors for job satisfaction: trust in management, variety of projects, high skill level, and enough time allowed for you to finish your work. The stronger those qualities at work, the higher satisfaction you probably have. Trust in management is the most important criterion.

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